Unlocking the Palette: A Colorblind Designer’s Guide to Mastering Colors

Kenneth Eze
3 min readAug 14, 2023

Navigating the Chromatic Maze with Finesse and Fun

Step into the vibrant world of design, where colors speak volumes, emotions are painted, and creativity knows no bounds. Now imagine navigating this world as a colorblind individual. It’s not a monochrome dream, but rather an adventure that requires a touch of strategy, a dash of innovation, and a sprinkle of humor. Welcome to the world of working with colors as a colorblind person!

Color Theory 101: Finding Your True Colors

Colorblindness doesn’t mean the world is devoid of colors. It’s a playground where hues may look a little different, but their magic remains intact. The first step is embracing your unique perspective and diving into color theory like a detective in pursuit of the perfect palette.

  • Cheat Sheets: Build a personal color dictionary based on your perception. Associate colors with things you can easily identify. Is that shade salmon or coral? Lemon or lime? Use your imaginative connections to your advantage.
  • Contrast Matters: Don’t underestimate the power of contrast. The higher the contrast between colors, the clearer the distinction. Play around with light and dark shades to create visually arresting designs.

Tools and Tricks: Colorblind’s Secret Arsenal

Colors might blend for you, but fear not — technology and creativity are your allies. Equip yourself with these tools and strategies to become a color virtuoso.

  • Simulator Apps: Explore apps like “Colorblind Vision” that simulate different types of colorblindness. Witness your designs through various lenses, and you’ll be amazed at the insights you gain.
  • Contrast Checkers: Websites like WebAIM offer contrast checkers that ensure your text remains legible against the background. Say goodbye to the days of squinting!
  • Palettes from Nature: Mother Nature is the ultimate artist. Seek inspiration from sunsets, seascapes, and blossoming gardens. If they look beautiful to you, they’ll captivate others too.

Color Stories: Making Design Memorable

Colors tell stories, evoke emotions, and leave lasting impressions. As a colorblind designer, you’re not missing out; you’re crafting narratives with an unparalleled twist.

  • The Passion of Red: Red might signify danger, but it also signifies passion. Use it strategically to grab attention or evoke intensity. Remember, it’s all about context.
  • Cool Blues: Blue is serene and soothing. It’s your go-to for creating calm interfaces or conveying professionalism. Mix it up with varying shades to lend depth.
  • Green’s Vitality: Green breathes life into your designs. Associated with nature and growth, it’s perfect for health and environmental projects. Just be sure to differentiate it from similar hues!

Be Bold, Be You: Embracing Unconventional Choices

Your colorblindness isn’t a limitation; it’s an invitation to push boundaries and redefine norms. Let’s embrace the beauty of unique perspectives.

  • Neon Neutrals: Experiment with vibrant, high-contrast colors that dance to their own tunes. These lively combinations can make your designs pop in unexpected ways.
  • Minimalist Magic: Embrace minimalism. A restrained color palette can work wonders, focusing attention on other design elements and functionalities.

Conclusion: Designing the Rainbow

In the world of design, colors are your paints, and interfaces are your canvas. You’re not just creating designs; you’re weaving stories, sparking emotions, and leaving imprints on users’ minds. Your colorblindness isn’t a challenge; it’s an opportunity to infuse your work with a unique perspective.

So, fellow color adventurer, don your creativity cap, wield your tools, and paint the digital realm with your own kaleidoscope of imagination. Remember, it’s not about seeing colors as they are; it’s about feeling the impact they create. Your journey isn’t monochromatic; it’s an exhilarating ride through a world where colors wear their own delightful shades. Happy coloring! 🎨🌈



Kenneth Eze

UI/UX Designer, Product Manager, Writer, Volunteer, Deep Thinker